BCS 35th Preliminary Question Bank Quiz and Solution English 2015 part 1

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Questions and Answers

Displaying 1 - 20 of 20 Questions
No Title Answer
(1) Lets us begin by looking at the minutes of the meeting. Here the underlined word means-
written records
(2) ___Amazing song haunted me for a long time.
(3) ''It is time to review the protocols on testing nuclear weapons'' Here the underlined word means-
Record of rules
(4) ''To be, or not to be, that is the question''- is a famous dialog from-
(5) Being fat does not necessarily kill you, but it __the risk that you will suffer from nasty diseases.
(6) Class relations and societal conflict is the key understanding of-
(7) Depression is often hereditary. The underlined word is a/an-
(8) Find the odd-man -out ?
As I Lay Dying
(9) Find the odd-man -out?
James Joyce
(10) I am in the process of collecting material for my story. The under lined word is a/an-
(11) Riders to the Sea is-
a one-act play
(12) Societies living in the periphery are always ignored. Here the underlined word means-
marginal areas
(13) The idiom ''A stitch in time saves nine.''-refers the importance of-
timely action
(14) The noise level in Dhaka city has increased exponentially.Here the underlined word means-
(15) The phrase 'Nouveau Riche' means-
New rich
(16) The poem ''Isle of Innis free'' is written by-
W.B Yeats
(17) What would be the best antonym of ''hibernate''?
(18) Which is the correct sentence-
He insisted on seeing her
(19) Which of the following writers belong to the Elizabethan period?
Christopher Marlowe
(20) Women are too often__by family commitments.