ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় ভর্তি পরীক্ষা ২০১৮-১৯ (ক ইউনিট) ইংরেজী

KA Unit Question Bank English 2018-19

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Questions and Answers

Displaying 1 - 25 of 25 Questions
No Title Answer
(1) By the time they arrive _____.
he'll have left
(2) The rising numbers of icebergs are in turn "increasing the tsunami hazards" ___ occur when they break away from a glacier an...
(3) 'Prospective ' in the passage is a /an ____
(4) Bangladesh has been one of the ___ in formulating and implementing a National Drug Policy in the face of the massively power...
pioneers, lucrative
(5) Choose the correct sentence .
I can recite lists of coordingating conjunctions and conjunctive adverbs any time of the day or night; therefore, I am idolized by my friends.
(6) He advised me ___ the doctor .
to see
(7) How many times ___ not to do that ?
have I told you
(8) If you ___ the environmental damage that plastic bags cause, the cost difference ___ really negligible
consider , is
(9) It _____ hardly an understatement to say that online searching ______ changed dramatically with the development of the web
is, has
(10) My father ____ live in Gazipur.
used to
(11) My mother has been in hospital , I wonder or she ___.
is getting on
(12) Novelist judge an individual's mental characteristics by _____ .
physical shape , color and cloths
(13) Phrenology is __
the art or practice of supposedly interpreting a person's character of predicting their future by examining the palm of their hand .
(14) Snorkelling is one kind of _____,
(15) Succeeding in college often is a challenge for students, ______ . most coleges provide services designed to help students.
(16) The correct translation of " সমাজ বিরোধীরা এখনো ধরা ছোঁয়ার বাইর
the anti -socials are still at large
(17) The phrase 'pooh-pooh' is ____ .
to reject
(18) The train _____ late three times this week.
has been
(19) The woman sees the cat out in the rain; _____, the cat is gone by the time the woman goes outside
(20) The work was finished ____ time and ____ budget
on, within
(21) The world has seen many Diasporas but scholars have been studying the phenomenon ___ great interest only ___ recent decades.
with, in
(22) what surprised me the most was how ____ and reacted exactly like you , said the banker to me.
he looked
(23) where ___ when you met him?
was he living
(24) which one is the correct spelling?
(25) which would you ____ have, Ice of coffee.