[collapse title="Basic"]

  • Be Verb যুক্ত Present/Past Indefinite Tense এর নাবোধক বাক্য গঠন করতে Be Verbএর পরে not বসে। যেমন, I am not a student... She was not a wood cutter. তবে নাবাচক প্রশ্নবোধক বাক্য গঠন করতে Subject এর পূর্বে Be Verb এবং পরে not বসে যেমন,Was I  not a layer? Did she not sing a song? অবশ্য Subject third person singular number এবং noun হলে did not বাক্যের শুরুতে বসে। যেমন, Did not Shaheen write a letter?
  • Be Verb বিহীন Present Indefinite Tense এর নাবাচক প্রশ্নবোধক বাক্য গঠন করতে Subject এর পূর্বে Do বা Does এবং পরে not বসে । Do I not cut a tree. Does she not sing a song? তবে Subject third person singular number এবং noun হলে be not বাক্যের শুরুতে বসে। যেমন, Was not Shaheen a teacher?
  • Be Verb বিহীন Past Indefinite Tense এর নাবোধক বাক্য গঠন করতে Subject এর পরে  Did not বসে। যেমন, I did not cut a tree. She did not sing a song. তবে নাবাচক প্রশ্নবোধক বাক্য গঠন করতে Subject এর পূর্বে  Did এবং পরে not বসে । Did I  not cut a tree. Did she not sing a song. তবে Subject third person singular number এবং noun হলে Do বাক্যের শুরুতে বসে। যেমন, Did not Shaheen write a letter?
  • Universal Truth (চিরন্তন সত্য), Habitual Fact (অভ্যাসগত কাজ) বুঝালে Present Indefinite Tense হয়। যেমন, Th sun rises in the east. He gets up early in the morning.
  • W-H Question করতে Subject ও Person এবং Tense অনুসারে To Be /To Have/Do/Modal Verb বসে। যেমন, What is your name? Where do you live in? When will you return? How could you want to do such crime?[/collapse] [collapsed title="more"]
  • কোন Sentnse এ যদি সময়ের উল্লেখ না থেকে normally, occasionally, usually, everyday, regularly, daily, generally, always, often, sometime, ইত্যাদি থাকে তবে Present Indefinite Tense হয়। He walks regularly. He generally eats apple. He meets me everyday.
  • বাক্যে যদি now, at present, at this time, at this moment উল্লেখ থাকে তা হলে Present Continuous Tense হয়। যেমন, I am writing now. She is serving at present. They are crossing the river at this moment.
  • To have verb থাকলে present/past/future perfect tense হবে এবং have এর পর মূল Verb এর past participle form হবে। যেমন, We have gone to market. We shall have run in the field. The patient had died before the doctor came.
  • আবার কোন বাক্যে যদি just, just now, yet, now, already, ever, recently, lately, ever থাকলে Present Perfect Tense হবে। যেমন, They have come just now. We have already gone to the spot. I have not yet done the work.
  • অতীত নির্দেশক শব্দ যেমন, ago, long since, last day/last night/last month, yesterday, ইত্যাদি  থাকলে  Past Indefinite Tense হবে। যেমন, He went to school last day. We went there yesterday. Many years ago here lived a farmer. It is a long since when he came here.
  • বাক্যের প্রথম অংশ Present Perfect Tense  হলে পরবর্তী  অংশ Past Indefinite Tense হবে। যেমন, A long time  have passed when he met us first. Many years have passed since he died.
  • Since এর পূর্বের অংশ Past Indefinite এবং পরের অংশ Past Perfect Tense হয়। যেমন, It was a long since we had met her last.
  • Since এর পূর্বের অংশ Present Indefinite/ Present Perfect Tense এবং পরের অংশ Past Indefinite Tense হয়। যেমন, It is a long since we have met her last. Many years have passed since we killed the tiger.[/collapsed]  [collapsed title="more"]
  • Before এর পূর্বের অংশ এবং After এর পরের অংশ Past Perfect Tense হবে। যেমন, The train had left before we reached the station. The patient died after the doctor had come.
  • বিপরীতভাবে Before এর পরের অংশ এবং After এর পূর্বের অংশ Past Indefinite Tense হবে। যেমন, The train had left before we reached the station. The patient died after the doctor had come.কোন Simple Sentence এ প্রথমে Verb তারপর Object এরপর আবারও Verb থাকলে পরবর্তী Verb এর সাথে ing যুক্ত হয়। ঠিক একইভাবে পাশাপাশি দুটি Verb থাকলে পরের Verb এর সাথে ing অথবা to যুক্ত হবে। যেমন, I found him going to school. He wants to send a letter.
  • কোন Simple Sentence এ প্রথমে Verb তারপর Object এরপর আবারও Verb থাকলে পরবর্তী Verb Past participle form  হয়। যেমন, I got the work done by him. We took the charge handed over by him.
  • Modal Verb এর পরে মূল Verb এর Present Form বসে। যেমন, I might go home. I could do the work. You must go home. They should obey their parents.
  • Let, would better, had better, had rather, dare, would rather, must, need এর পরে মূল Verb এর Present Form বসে। তবে মূল Verb এর পরে to থাকবে না। যেমন, I dare not go there. You would rather go home. She must do it. You will not let her leave alone.
  • To Be Verb দ্বারা গঠিত Tense এর  negative করতে  To be verb এর পর not বসবে। যেমন, He was not going to school. We are not eating rice.
  • To Be Verb দ্বারা গঠিত Tense এর Interrogative করতে Subject এর পূর্বে To be verb বসবে। যেমন, Was he going to school? Are we eating rice?
  • To Be Verb দ্বারা গঠিত Tense এর Interrogative-negative করতে Subject এর পূর্বে To be verb এবং Subject এর পর not বসবে। যেমন, Was he not going to school? Are we not eating rice?
  • To have Verb দ্বারা গঠিত Tense এর negative করতে to have verb এর পর not বসবে। যেমন, He has not gone to school. We have not eaten rice.
  • To have Verb দ্বারা গঠিত Tense এর Interrogative করতে Subject এর পূর্বে To have verb বসবে। যেমন, has he gone to school? Have we eaten rice?
  • To have Verb দ্বারা গঠিত Tense এর Interrogative-negative করতে Subject এর পূর্বে To have verb এবং Subject এর পর not বসবে। যেমন, Has he not gone to school? Had we not eaten rice?
  • Each, every, one of, everyone, each of ইত্যাদির পর verb singular হয়। যেমন, everybody likes this garden. Each of the boys goes to school. One of the boys tells a lie.
  • To be verb এবং having verb এর পর বসা অপর Verb টির Past Participle Form হয়। যেমন, She wanted the work to be done by him. He left the meeting having no decision.
  • As though/as if, wish থাকলে Subject এর পর were বসবে। যেমন, He hurried as though he were late to attend the meeting. He talks as if he were a commander. I wish I were a king.
  • It is high time, it is time, wish, fancy ইত্যাদি থাকলে subject এর পর verb এর past tense হয়। যেমন, It is high tiem he could co this. I wish I called on him. I fancy I flew in the sky.
  • Sentence এর শুরুতে would that থাকলে Subject এর পর could এবং তারপর মূল verb এর present form হয়। যেমন, Would that I could reach to the station.[/collapsed] [collapsed title="more"]
  • Main verb এর পরে mind, worth, without, could not help,  can not help, with a view to, look forward to, get used to, would you mind এবং তারপর Preposition থাকলে পরবর্তী verb এর সাথে ing যুক্ত হবে। যেমন, I could not help laughing. He returned without taking the charge. He came with a view to reading newspaper.
  • Passive voice গঠন করতে to be verb এর পর মূল verb এর past participle form  হয়। যেমন, The work was done by him. Rice is eaten by him.
  • Passive voice গঠন করতে to have verb এর পর been এবং তাপর মূল verb এর past participle form  হয়। যেমন, The work has been done by him. Rice has been eaten by him.
  • As though/as if এর প্রথম অংশ Present Indefinite tense হলে পরের অংশ Past Indefinite tense হয়। যেমন, He talks as if he knew nothing. They work as though they could do the work all daylong.
  • Narration এর নিয়ম অনুসারে reporting verb যদি past tense এর হয় তাহলে that যুক্ত subordinate clause ও past tense হবে। যেমন, He said that he would go home. They said that they went to Dhaka yesterday.
  • If এর পরের clause যদি Present Indefinite Tense হয় তাহলে পরবর্তী  clause Future Indefinite tense হবে। যেমন, If he comes, I shall go to his house. If I get the money, I shall give him thank.
  • 40. Past Condition এর ক্ষেত্রে If এর পরের clause যদি Past Indefinite Tense হয় তাহলে পরবর্তী clause-এ subject এর পর would/could/might হবে তারপর মূল verb বসবে। যেমন, If he came, I would go to school.  If I got the money, I could buy a computer. I would help him if he wanted. If I were a bird, I would fly in the sky. তবে would/could/might এর পর  যদি have থাকে তাহলে would/could/might পরের verb টির past participle form হবে। যেমন, If I were a king, I could have helped the poor. If I were a bird, I would have flown in the sky.
  • কোন বাক্য There দ্বারা শুরু হলে তাতে যদিSubject singular হয় তাহলে  verb এর singular হবে। Subject Plural হলে verb plural  হবে। যেমন, There was a king. There are some books on the table.
  • Sentence এর শুরুতে যদি scarcely/hardly থাকে তাহলে পরবর্তী clause when দ্বারা যুক্ত হবে। Scarcely/hardly এর had এবং তারপর Subject বসবে। Subject এর পর Verb এর Past participle form হবে। when এর পরের clause  Past Indefinite Tense এর হবে।  যেমন, Scarcely had he gone to school than his teacher entered the class room. Hardly had he reached the station than the train left. [/collapsed] [collapsed title="more"]
  • Sentence এর শুরুতে যদি No sooner থাকে তাহলে পরবর্তী clause than দ্বারা যুক্ত হবে। No sooner এর পর had এবং তারপর Subject বসবে। Subject এর পর Verb এর Past participle form হবে। than এর পরের clause  Past Indefinite Tense এর হবে।  যেমন, No sooner had the teacher entered the class room than the students stood up.
  • While এর পর verb থাকলে উক্ত verb এর সাথে ing যুক্ত হয়। তবে While এর পরে subjectথাকলে উক্ত subjectএর পর past continuous tense হবে। যেমন, While walking on the road, he found an elephant. While he was walking alone on the desert, he heard a strange noise.
  • Lestএর পরে যে subject থাকে তারপর should/might বসে এবং তারপর এর verbএর present form বসে। যেমন, He hurried lest he miss the bus. They ran fast lest it rained.
  • দৈর্ঘ্য, পরিমাণ বা স্থান plural বুঝালেও Verb singular হবে। যেমন, Fifty miles is a long distance. Five hours is sufficient to finish this work.
  • কোন কাজ অতীতে শুরু হয়ে এখনো চলছে এমন বুঝালে present perfect continuous tense হয়। যেমন, I have been reading in this school for three years. He has been serving in this office for ten years.
  • Subjct হিসেবে প্রথমে 2nd   person তাপর 3rd person এরপর 1st person বসে। তবে  শেষ Subjct এর person  ও number অনুসারে verb বসবে। যেমন, You, he and I shall go to market.
  • তবে দোষ বুঝালে প্রথমে 1st person তারপর 2nd person এরপর 3rd person বসবে। যেমন, I, you and he are to blame.
  • যখন have, has, had, get, got verb গুলি causative verb রূপে ব্যবহৃত হয় তখন মূল verb এর past participle form হয়। যেমন, I got the work done by him. She had the routine written by the teacher.
  • And দ্বারা দুটি subjectযদি একই ব্যক্তিকে নির্দেশ করে তাহলে verb singular হয়। যেমন, The secretary and headmaster of the school was present in the meeting.
  • And দ্বারা দুটি subject যদি ভিন্ন ভিন্ন ব্যক্তিকে নির্দেশ করে তাহলে verb plural হয়। যেমন, The president and the Headmaster of the school were present in the meeting.
  • Infinitive verb এর পূর্বে go verb থাকলে উক্ত verb এর সাথে  ing যোগ হবে। যেমন, I am going to meet a doctor. He is going to join the army.
  • All এর পর verb এর plural হবে। তবে proverb বুঝালে verb singular হবে। যেমন, All that glitter is not gold. All wells that end wells.[/collapsed] [collapsed title="more"]
  • And দ্বারা একাধিক subjectযুক্ত হয়ে  singular subjectরূপে অর্থ প্রকাশ পেলে verb singular হবে। যেমন, Slow and steady wins the race. Bread and butter is my favourite food.
  • Adjective এর আগে the বসে  এক জাতীয় সবাইকে বুঝালে verb plural হয়। যেমন, The rich are not always happy. The poor are not dishonest.
  • একাধিক  singular subject and  দ্বারা যুক্ত হলে verb plural হয়। যেমন,  Raja and Ratan have done this work. Gold and silver have I none.
  • Public, people, peasantry, cattle,  aristocracy, mankind, poultry, gentry ইত্যাদি  noun দেখতে singular হলেও এদের পরে plural verb বসে। যেমন, Our people are poor. Cattle are grazing in the field. Mankind are the best creation of God.
  • অবশ্য mathematics, politics, news, wages, gallows দেখতে plural হলেও এদের পর singular verb বসে। যেমন, Ill news runs quickly. Politics is my interesting subjects. Mathematics seems to be very hard to me.
  • বাক্যে keep, help, remain প্রভৃতি  verb এর পরে অবস্থিত verb এর সাথে ing যুক্ত হবে। যেমন, He remained talking. We kept laughing.
  • আবার keep, remain প্রভৃতি  verb এর পরে অবস্থিত verb এর past participle form  হবে। যেমন, He remained unchanged. We kept the work undone.
  • So that এর পরে  subject বসে।  উক্ত subject এর পরে  auxiliary verb can/could বসে। যেমন, He worked hard so that he could succeed in the examination. They  joined the army so that they could serve the country.
  • As if এর পর verb এর past tense হয়। যেমন, He works as if he could do all. He talks as if he were a scholar.[/collapsed]

