Adverb is the word that qualifies the word except Noun and Pronoun. Therefore, it may qualify any Verb, Adjective, and Adverb, Phrase or a full sentence.

He runs fast. [Modifier of Verb]

He is always late. [Modifier of Adjective]

He runs very fast. [Modifier of Adv.]

Evidently the figures are incorrect. [Modifier of a sentence]

[collapse title="Formation:"]

Adverbs are usually formed by adding -ly to an Adjective.

         Frequent – frequently

         Horrible- horribly

         Merry – merrily[/collapse]

[collapsed title="Usage/Rules:"]

Rule - 01:

            Adjective এর আগে যদি কোন Word কে use করতে হয় তাহলে ঐ word টিকে Adverb এ form করে তারপর use করতে হবে।

         For Example:

         She looks

         He wanted an extremely large amount of money.

Rule - 02:

         যদি কোন  word verb কে modify করে তাহলে ঐ word টিকে Adverb এ form করে use করতে হবে।

         For Example:

         He speaks English fluently.

         He walks silently.

01.    Point out the sentence with correct use of adverb—    (C Unit 1997 - 1998)

         üA. Write the essay in brief.     

         B. Write the essay briefly.   

         C. Write the essay in short.  

         D. Write the essay shortly.

Rule - 03:

Preposition যুক্ত Noun/Pronoun; Adverb এ পরিনত হয়।

For Example:

In time, in the morning, at this moment, day by day, etc.

01.    the government, _______UN Millennium Development Goals, finalized, approved and has started implementation of the full-PRSP.

                                                   (C Unit 2009 - 2010)

         A. as dictated by               üB. in line with

         C. as a support to              D. consistent with the

Rule - 04:

            Adverb of Manner, Adverb of Place কিংবা Adverb of Time –এরা সবাই sentence এর শেষে বসে। কিন্তু যদি এরা  একত্রে বসে সেক্ষেত্রে এদের নিজেদের মধ্যে একটা order বা ধারা maintain  করতে হয়।

         Manner ® Place ® Time.

For Example:

         He works sincerely in his office everyday.

         She went there at 9.00 pm.

Rule - 05:

            কিছু Adverbs (always, often, usually, generally, Just, quite, already, almost, ever, never, hardly, barely, rarely, scarcely, seldom) সবসময় main verb এর immediately আগে বসে। এমনকি যদি কোন auxiliary verb কিংবা modal থাকে সেক্ষেত্রে auxiliary verb বা modal এর পরে কিন্তু main verb এর আগে বসে।

For Example:

         He often visits our house.

         I hardly watch movies.

         He has already completed this.

         He has just arrived.

Exception: have to কিংবা used to এরা modal হওয়া সত্ত্বেও এই adverb গুলো এদের পরে না বসে সবসময়  আগে বসে।

For Example:

         I always have to do my work.

         He often used to wear unusual dress.

01.    Choose the appropriate alternative: (B Unit 1997 - 1998)

         A. I already twice have read this book.

         üB. I have already read this book twice.

         C. I have read already twice this book.

         D. I twice have already read this book.

Rule - 06:

            Hardly, Barely, Rarely, Scarcely, Seldom– এই Adverb গুলো নিজেরাই Negatives. আর একারণেই এদের সাথে কোনো প্রকার negation অর্থাৎ (no, not কিংবা never) use হবে না।

For Example:

         I could not hardly solve this problem (Inc)

         I could hardly solve this problem. (Cor)

01.    Identify the correct translation: (B Unit 1999 - 2000)


         সত্যিকারের ফুলও হয়তো এর চেয়ে খুব একটা বেশি সুগন্ধি হতো না।

         A. Real flowers hardly could have smelt better.

         üB. Real flowers could hardly have smelt better.

         C. Real flowers could have smelt better hardly

         D. Real flowers could smelt better hardly.

Rule - 07:

            Hardly, Barely, Rarely, Scarcely, Seldom – এদেরকে দিয়ে যদি কোনো sentence শুরু হয় তাহলে সেক্ষেত্রে sentence এর আগে verb চলে আসে। যদি auxiliary verb বা modal থাকে তাহলে তারা বসে। আর যদি এরা না থাকে সেক্ষেত্রে tense অনুযায়ী do, does কিংবা did বসবে।

For Example:

         Rarely are you found in the room.

         Scarcely did I reach there when it began rain.

         Hardly could I solve this problem.

Rule - 08:

            Negative Emphasis প্রদানকারী কিছু Adverbs (not once, Not only, not untill, never, never again, only after etc.) গুলোর বেলায় একই নিয়ম প্রযোজ্য।

For Example:

         Never again will they stay in the hotel.

         Not until the late middle ages did glass become a major construction material.

01.    Not until the Triassic Period ------.

(D Unit 2003 - 2004)

         A. the first primitive mammals did develop     

         üB. did the first primitive mammals develop

         C. did develop the first primitive mammals

         D. the first primitive mammals develop.

Rule - 09:

            যদিও adverb এর সাথে সাধারণত: -ly থাকে, কিন্তু কিছু words (fast, late  এবং hard) আছে যাদের সাথে by থাকা সত্ত্বেও এরা নিজেরাই adverb। সুতরাং এদের বেলায় fastly, hardly কিংবা lately use করা যাবে না। তবে ভিন্ন অর্থে hardly কিংবা lately Adverb হিসেবে use হতে পারে।

For Example:

         Helen types fast and efficiently.

         He arrived late because of bad weather.

_     Choose the correct option:     

         Although he felt very-----, he smiled-----(B Unit 2003 - 2004)

         A. angrily, friendly                      B. angry, friendly

         C. angrily, in a friendly  üD. angry, in a friendly way.[/collapsed]


