The XYZ Corporation has 7000 employees. What is the average yearly wage of employee of the XYZ Corporation? (1) 4000 of the employees are executives. (2) The total amount the company pays wages each year is 70,000000.
if you can get the answer from (2) alone but not from (1) alone.
if you can get the answer from (2) alone but not from (1) alone.
if you can get the answer from (1) and (2) together, but not from (1) alone or (2) alone.
if you can get the answer from (1) alone but not from (2) alone.
if statement (1) alone suffices and statement (2) alone suffices.
if you can get the answer from (2) alone but not from (1) alone.
Last Updated: 
08/11/2021 - 08:47