ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় ভর্তি পরীক্ষা ২০০৯-১০ (খ ইউনিট) ইংরেজি

DU KHA Unit Question Bank English 2009-10

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Questions and Answers

Displaying 1 - 25 of 25 Questions
No Title Answer
(1) "Who doth ambition shun" means a person who
gives up ambition
(2) "They.....in never-ending............."
stretched, line
(3) By the sentence, " I saw deeper into the clear ...
she could read his character well.
(4) Do you know the solution......this problem?
(5) Give the proper translation of ’’এ বছর খুব শীত ...
It is very cold this year.
(6) The words "boring chore" mean
tiresome job
(7) The word "done" in "well done" means
properly made.
(8) Which Is the appropriate Sentence ?
The writer decided to do gardening.
(9) "Over the years" means
with the passage of time.
(10) The words "loads of mistakes" stand for
many mistakes
(11) "the weeds that I should do something about" means
the weeds should be looked after
(12) " Apple of discord" means
(13) "Chapman's Homer" in "On first looking into Cha...
Chapman's understanding of Homer.
(14) "hasting day" in "To Daffodils" means
hurriedly passing day.
(15) "He has left the country for good" means
he has left the country permanently
(16) After............brief period.........suspense,...
a, of
(17) Choose the correct spelling.
(18) For the boys the task was easy,.........
wasn't it?
(19) In the poem "Ozymandias" who calls Ozymandias "...
Ozymandias himself
(20) She likes to fantasize ..........winning the Re...
(21) Show your ticket,.......you will not be allowed...
(22) The line "I wandered lonely as a cloud" is an e...
a simile.
(23) The phrase "give a hand" means
to extend one's hand.
(24) The underlined words in the line " The lone and...
(25) The word "patches" means
pieces of land