বাংলাদেশ পেট্রোলিয়াম ইনস্টিটিউট এর সহকারী পরিচালক নিয়োগ পরীক্ষা-২০২০

BPI Assistant Director Recruitment Question Bank 2020

Exam held on 18-12-2020

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এই পরীক্ষাটি অনলাইনে দিতে চাইলে উপরের "Start Exam" লিংকে ক্লিক করুন। পরীক্ষার সময়ঃ 90 মিনিট । পরীক্ষা শেষ হবার সাথে সাথেই ফলাফল পেয়ে যাবেন।

Questions and Answers

Displaying 1 - 25 of 30 Questions
No Title Answer
(1) What is the name of the currency of Latvia?
(2) Who won the Nobel Prize 2020 in literature?
Louise Gluck
(3) Who has won the US open 2020 men's singles title?
Dominic Thiem
(4) Who is the author of the book 'Principia Mathematica'?
Issac Newton
(5) Which of the following is not considered to be a source of renewable energy?
Natural Gas
(6) Which country has the highest energy consumption per capita in the world?
(7) A television with a price of $300 is to be purchased with an initial payment of $60 and weekly payments of $30. Which of the ...
300 = 30w + 60
(8) h = 3a + 28.6 A pediatrician uses the model above to estimate the height b of a boy, in inches, in terms of the boy's age a,...
(9) The average of several exam scores in 80. One make-up exam was given. Included with the other scores, the new average was 84....
(10) A delivery cart went from Candle ford to Lark Rise and back at an average speed of $\tfrac{2}{3}$ miles per hour. If the dis...
(11) In the coordinate plane, line m passes through the origin and has a slope of 3. If points (6, y) and (x, 12) are on line m, t...
(12) A swimming pool is initially filled to a depth of 96 inches, After 2 wees, the depth has decreased to 92⁡〖1/2〗inches. Assumin...
(13) Choose the correct pair of words from the following : SYMPHONY : COMPOSER is
Fresco : painter
(14) Select the correct spelling of the word
(15) Synonym of ALTRUISTIC is :
(16) The antonym of COERCIVE is :
(17) He will be arriving quite late, so by the time he comes, the play ---?
will gave begun
(18) Being able to afford this luxury car will --- getting a better paying job.
(19) After a month of survival training in the wildemess, the scouts became quite ---
(20) As the day wore on with little progress in evidence, Jenny's energy began o ---
(21) Javed truly wanted to serve in the position no one else wanted ; his enthusiasm was ---
(22) কোন বাক্যটি প্রযোজক ক্রিয়া দ্বারা গঠিত?
মা শিশুটিকে হাসান
(23) খাঁটি বাংলার উপসর্গ যোগে সৃষ্ট পদ কোনটি?
(24) ”সর্বাঙ্গে ব্যথা, ঔষধ দেব কোথা” এ বাক্যে ‘ঔষধ’ কোন কারকে কোন বিভক্তি?
কর্মকারকে শূণ্য
(25) মৌলিক শব্দ কোনটি?